JimHatama, Planetary bombardment 2, digital photomanipulation
Speaking of coming forward…
Things continue to move at real warp speed. A lot has been confirmed and explained about how Clown World operated. This level of massive direct government funding was unexpected but very clarifying. I assume the USAID pattern will recur as DOGE progresses. As far as tracking goes, some patterns are developing, but there is a lot of uncertainty. Part of it is the collapse problem. As the Clown World Empire ghost runs, the old patterns stop being predictive. We can finally see some new ones, but they’re new - too short for much direction. And part of it is misdirection. A good choice for the first observation.
ChetArt, Steam Roller Coaster digital art print
The existence of a substantial factional conflict has been obvious for a while. The moment you can see The Script in its fullness, it’s more obvious “they” didn’t allow anything. They are fractured, and one side has the helm. In the election Script post, [things continuing to just inexplicably roll] was identified as future confirmation. Things are continuing to just inexplicably roll. As of now, Gabbard and Kennedy are moving forward. Opposition is fragmented and muted. Ineffectual. We are seeing the Clown posse without House of Lies control. Until major derailment, Script dominance is now a given. The future confirmation is the same. Opposition amounting to nothing as the Script plays out.
Note also that the vaguely Biblical beats continue. The presence of an archetypal narrative structure was an early tell that events were being plotted somehow. The first time he came gently. This time with the sword. It’s also important to remember narrative alignment != moral alignment. Christians are vulnerable to investing emotionally in this archetype. Dispassion is especially important in times of flux.
Andy Farr, Cosmos, 1917, 210 x 210 cm, oil and acrylic on canvas
Misdirection fits into the factional conflict. Inferring its existence is different from observing it empirically. My initial read on the Scriptwriters was skeptical - something radical was possible but unlikely. Even stated we could put it to bed soon, since if they didn’t come out swinging right away, it wasn’t happening. This is why it’s so important not to become emotionally invested in logical analysis. We all have dream scenarios. Catching a glimpse is easy to misinterpret. Learn how to separate what is desired from what is, not just for politics, but life. It short circuits unexpected disappointment. And makes switching on the fly possible.
Projecting patterns always has a lot of variables. Sometimes one breaks in a way that wasn’t foreseen. Like the Script coming out swinging right away. If there’s no investment in one outcome, it’s easy to recalibrate with the new information.
More interestingly, we can see how they’re doing it. Already mentioned overwhelming the OODA loop. When a system is fed information faster than its processing speed, it crashes or starts missing stuff. That strategy was obvious from the opening salvo. The details are sharper now. One being the team of people already prepared. Instead of resistance on every level, there’s more and more top level compliance. The orders percolate down fractally through the system. Personnel actions are synergistic. Hordes of troublemakers are being dismissed, sidelined, locked out or otherwise neutered. Hamstrung from top and bottom. Misdirection is part of this onslaught. Rapid reversals, outrageous statements, seeming gaffes, all add to the noise.
One big observation in the earlier post was Scriptwriter competence. How they learn and react. Making sensible moves instead of the usual pantomime. This has really come through in the preparedness. 1.0 might have been stymied on the ground, but they obviously learned the landscape. Because 2.0 has attacked the House of Lies the only way possible. Simultaneous and broad spectrum.
The strength of the House of Lies has also proven to be its weakness. It’s vertically integrated and centralized. This allows tremendous narrative control and synergy between the pillars. Attack one and the others swarm. So the Script is attacking up and down the chain at the same time. Most importantly, they targeted the centralized heart of it.
DOGE has already been the most incredible political event of my lifetime. Not hyperbole, given most of the biggies have been fake. Confirmation of tens, and probably hundreds of billions stolen and filtered to the most perverse Clown causes. Everything from foreign war, to beast media, to mass migration, to every other facet of the disco ball… all streaming from the foetid heart in DC.
And suddenly snuffed out. Anyone wondering where the outpouring of resistance went - the House of Lies had its credit card canceled. More seriously, these reveals have a lot of triggering power. The endless parade of smug sub-mediocrities abusing the victims they parasitize. The thought of the money just … stopping is heartwarming. Because the bills don’t. It will be fun to watch what winks out as DOGE and others comb through the morass.
Integration and centralization are almost impossible to attack from outside. Go at any one aspect and the others coordinate all-spectrum opposition. Astroturf protests and wind-up toys, lockstep hostile fake media misrepresentation, “scientific” and educational discrediting, internal slow-walking and insubordination, corrupted oversight and enforcement, etc. No wonder the 2016 insurgency proved impotent. Attack it all at once and the pillars are either snuffed outright or too preoccupied with their own survival to do anything. And killing the cash flow neuters it all at once.
The counterculture posts show the importance of narrative control. Twitter and the loosening of big social are taking this information mainstream. In a continuous stream of OODA-frying shockers. And also the character creation. The emergence of Musk as boogieman hero prevents focusing on Trump. He’s at his best when the talent is doing something and he can prance around generating buzz. And in this case, constant distracting psychological warfare.
The cabinet moving steadily forward despite “controversy” shows more than just The Script continuing to roll. There are signs confirming the sub-commander hypothesis. Puppets puppet. But they also have preferences. They sell them out for tickets, but they do have them. The Scriptwriters appear to have identified useful ones - note how fast they’re advancing once in place. Properly controlled, their pasts even provide narrative cover. No one will accuse Rubio of being a radical outsider. But so far he’s been a capable representative.
Note how hapless the seemingly-ascendant Clowns are. I’ve been blathering about centralization forever, but it’s abstract. And hard to see because it’s what we all know. The flip lays it bare. The whole stinking mass was on a massive teat. It shouldn’t need stating that this isn’t Good vs. Evil, but it probably does. It’s satanic vs. a lot better. Noting how the Script is dismantling Clown World while pulling in an autarkic direction behind a cloud of chaff is just that. It’s not an expectation that they want my utopia. Or share my faith. They don’t. What they do is create space. Opportunity. A managed collapse is the best case scenario. Relative stability to build organic networks. And improved ability to keep pushing the window.
As for Israel, that’s a wait and see. The history is too fraught for hard reads off a screen clip or stills. Unless confirming an emotional pre-investment - something to be avoided. I don’t have a read yet, positive or negative, although my feeling is that our bestest may be surprised. Definitely something to track forward.
John MacWhirter, The Vanguard, 19th century, watercolor, The McManus, Dundee
This has vastly exceeded my expectations and doesn’t appear to be letting up. The Script suggests it won’t. This isn’t a hard marker, but I don’t think the Clowns are “keeping their powder dry”. They’re a danger if let back up, but that would be a pattern shift I’d need to see. The real struggle is building an autarkic power with this demographic mix. But at the end of the day, even success is an opening not an end. A culture is its people. Consider how much rot is being revealed. The Scriptwriters are doing historic yeoman’s work cleaning out the stable. Their long term agenda isn’t much more moral than the Clown’s. But it is a move up the slippery slope. And a chance to run ahead of the stream instead of powering into it.
Let’s use it.
Yuri Mikhailovich Arsenyuk, Spiritual Warriors, 1986, oil on canvas
Lets use it, indeed.
May God guide us.
We still pray for our rulers, clowns or scripters included. God can use any tools.
If the judges start to roll over and stop the nationwide injunctions on political question or standing or maybe we learn more about sources of their speaking fees and learning tours, momentum should increase.