Jun 5Liked by John Samson

"Li’l Turdling betrayed itself instantly when it tried to interact in a peer manner."

I assume this behavior is a put-on arrogance meant to hide discomfort. IRL, it would be groveling! It is a sight when a man behaves that way. As my 17yo would put it, "cringe". You know in his daily life he wouldn't be so bold.

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That’s where the online / infinite cafeteria metaphor fails. Online, the can build a sense of illusory comfort and a false front, when they would never dare make eye contact IRL. Compensation.

It’s up to us who are in appealing places to socially disincentivize that online illusion through banning, mockery, and shunning.

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Jun 5Liked by John Samson

I don't know if I'm one of those few who are in appealing places, but I do feel up to the task of banning, shunning, and mocking!

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That’s it. Just knowing who you are and properly valuing your attention.

As for the appealing places, where you are is where it’s at. Perhaps the one piece of salvageable wisdom from Fast Times.

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A fine example of comic book High Status conflict, and perhaps the last before Kirby departed after issue 102. Doom's hatred for Richards in Issue 5 crystallizes and becomes the contest of wills in high-stakes competition, which may go so far as ending one party or even both, but respect and civility are always the guiding forces for both Von Doom and for Richards. Bravo.

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