"My kingdom is not of this world." All you need to know to sort out the current goings-on. I will be grateful for the breathing-room while things correct themselves for a while.

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We’re only passing through. But we serve while we’re here as we can.

And He’s given us a tailwind.

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Lets get some young men drafting up some inspiring buildings over the next generations. Minas Tirith level cities fellas.

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“ … By virtue of being more rooted in reality, the Script has the moral high ground. And the people drawn to it are of better quality. But it isn’t motivated by morality. If my read is correct, their drivers are performance and process. Things clown world was degrading and destroying on the national capacity level. Probably triggering their ouster.”

But tis strange

and ofttimes to win us to our harm

The instruments of darkness tell us truths.

Win us with honest trifles

To betray’s in deepest consequence.

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And Diesen makes much the same point from a vastly different perspective: reality rejection is peak immorality.


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> Obviously the long term techno-utopian agenda isn’t good either. But it is less directly antagonistic.

I'm not sure how demonic technomancy is less directly antagonistic. If anything we're witnessing the scuttling of socially compromised rat-lines in favor of more efficient ones. Pruning a tree appears to be to its detriment when you're hacking at the limbs.

Buy-in from the right is paramount - so it was in 2020, so it is now.

See the consecration of the RNC to Waheguru, the "one true god and creator of America" for why Christendom is coming to the fore once more. Radical ecumenism has always been required, and the Beast is supposed to kill the Whore. Pagan altars are often consecrated by a parade of freaks before the incantation begins, and the relatively new cultural freak-show Clown World spun up post-2012 or so has now served its purpose. Exit stage left.

Perhaps we're working from incompatible presuppositions as luciferian Transhumanism is the game for all the marbles, and insomuch as the appearance of factionalism drives public narrative, technocracy is now operating at Warp Speed through the Stargate and will have increasing buy-in from a segment of the populace who might've instinctively (if not intellectually) opposed it otherwise.

Other aspects of this Script "reboot" are simply recycled plot points that are once again palatable, i.e. reorganizing the Grand Chessboard as regional superstates or doing away with income tax in favor of totally programmable currency that will be even more draconian.

At best this buys us some time but expect building of resilient, antifragile parallel structures to grind to a halt as well.

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"I'm not sure how demonic technomancy is less directly antagonistic."

"At best this buys us some time but expect building of resilient, antifragile parallel structures to grind to a halt as well."

To ask is to answer. No wall 'o text required, just a grasp of modifying adjectives in English.

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It's a bold presupposition, John. Time will tell.

Enjoy your work otherwise!

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I tend to agree.. I have trust for this current revolution.

Trump and Musk are both showmen, not revelators.

Trump ran on reducing war but seems determined to stoke it in the ME.

Musk talk of the dangers of AI but is in an AI capability race with Grok, whilst promoting brain implants.

I don't see reality returning.. I see a race to capture and repurpose the $ being squandered by the deep state on new horrors.. likely AI, censorship, military spending and digital currency.

That's "reality" as defined by a techno-military new deep state, certainly not one the MAGA boosters had in mind.

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Reality isn't returning. Note how none of the Clown information control apparatus is being dismantled. And thinking "Trump" and "Musk" call any shots ...

Fixating on what's going to happen is common online. You've laid your marker. Lets's see if you're correct.

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Closer aligns with reality and truth (even material only) is a step closer to metaphysical truths. Thank God.

Pushing in the right direction!

Keep shoving!

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