Right Here, Right Now
The mechanisms of political change show it's part of a larger paradigm shift
Robert Seymour, March of Intellect, around 1828, print
This post took some turns. The jaw-dropping narrative shift going on raised a few related things. Some oral history of Clown World’s ascent and impact, and why healthy socialization is going to get more important. But while setting it up, it became apparent that the current narrative shift is part of a bigger change.
It’s been obvious for a while that a historic era is coming to an end. The question was always how big? Peak Clown? Bretton Woods? Post-WW2 House of Lies? The 20th-century beast system? Enlightenment self-deification? Reading the long term implications of immediate events is guesswork. But preliminary patterns do guide later events. And the factional clash between Clown and Script is an extension of what looks like a more comprehensive transformation.
J. M. W. Turner, The Fighting Temeraire, tugged to her last Berth to be broken up, 1838, 1839, oil on canvas, National Gallery, London
This is opportunity and personal responsibility, not reason to panic. Major shifts happen regularly in history. The pattern is a fundamental change in socio-cultural technological base → disruptions in socio-political order. Like the printing press sparking European Humanism and the Reformation. My impression is that Clown World became impregnable in a 20th-century frame of reference. Like an index of cultural decline. And is being erased with a 21st-century one. Nothing concrete, but that’s how big reads start.
A few things I’ve noted fit together here. Start with [degenerating Macro-Arc → inevitable systemic collapse]. That read was based on aggregating and projecting socio-cultural trends. I had no idea in the late ‘80s that the system was entirely fake. That Clown World was the pathogenic structure riding the decline curve. And like any parasite, it grew and dug deeper until the host was terminal. My hard crash expectation is easy to understand. Project a few more years of Clown.
Beast media describes factional conflict as a big tech takeover. To a large extent, it’s true, although oversimplified to the point of misdirection. All revolutions require elite backing to spool up the necessary resources in time. And it does appear that a lot of the major power players are tech billionaires. Woke-hating, productivity-oriented technocrats vs. Clowns is an obvious factional fault line. The amoral and process-driven vs immoral parasitic atavists.. If they determine Clown World is too metastatic to just prune back, old common purposes are irrelevant.
But there’s a bigger paradigm shift of the kind that really does mark the end of an era.
Operation of a printing press, from Chants royaux sur la Conception, couronnés au puy de Rouen de 1519 à 1528, 16th century, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Paris
Consider how the Empire was built and unraveled. That labyrinths of files, systems, shells, and pathways was a crowning achievement of a 20th-century technological ecosystem. There’s no way anyone with those tools was figuring any of it out. Especially with constant roadblocks from all the other pillars. But DOGE represents a totally new technological frame. Ironically, the same frame narrative-huffers have been aflutter over in countless “managing AI” screeds.1 Processes now exist that crunch and map data with previously unimaginable speed and precision. Something propped up mediocrities in the old paradigm are incapable of imagining. Fundamentally transformative, like the printing press or internet were for spreading the word.
The new counterculture is realizing that creative power. Forensic data management is clearly another venue.
The seeds of undoing are planted in success, and Clown World was no exception. As a terminal end state of the House of Lies, it’s optimized to House of Lies conditions. These come from an older analog era and peaked with the apotheosis of TV. Historically singular centralized information control that effectively replaced reality for the vast majority. The internet era brought possibilities for more intensive personalized reality replacement. But the two-way nature of the medium also brought threats TV didn’t. Once the Wild West days made this obvious, it’s been non-stop attempts to control information. The new counterculture learned to walk in this firestorm. But NPC control was more pervasive.
Illustration by Fred Siebel in the January 1950 issue of Redbook magazine
This is where the factional split probably starts. Wokeism and techno-utopianism share common globalist roots. Both trace back to the bland materialist progressive secularism that was mainstream rightthink in the before times. I shared it once too. We were enlightened. The Winds of Change were blowing Right Here, Right Now. Everything seemed possible. Of course the ancien regime was out. The future may be grim, but if it is, we’ll Matrix it together. And look cool doing it. As a family.
Anyhow, big tech was all in on the House of Lies at one time. Larding payroll with lunatic hordes and doing dirty work government couldn’t openly. I suspect the Scriptwriters saw the same inevitable collapse I did. And operating in reality means not ignoring inevitabilities for word magic. Just like getting ahead of polarization. Perhaps the biggest difference is accepting material reality. There’s plenty of posturing and rhetoric on the Script side. Misdirection and chaos creation. But a larger realization that what’s preferable is downstream from what’s necessary.
Given the trajectory, the collapse was going to be rough. Made a joke post once about the Dumpty Derby between duelling dooms. Does [tech singularity] happen before [nothing works anymore] kills the possibility. More seriously, the techno-utopians must have realized their luciferian Transhumanist dream was doomed by the woke vision. Past the level of common fantasy, the two are mutually exclusive. Leaving no logical alternative but a thorough declowning.
Russell T. Limbach, Untitled, 1935-1939, lithograph on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum
The important thing to remember is that this isn’t morally driven. It’s confusing to many because it does have moral dimensions. Like any abstract, Good and Evil manifest materially. By the fruits. No one reaches the level of moral absolute and everyone falls somewhere in between. Nothing radical - some people behave more morally than others. By virtue of being more rooted in reality, the Script has the moral high ground. And the people drawn to it are of better quality. But it isn’t motivated by morality. If my read is correct, their drivers are performance and process. Things clown world was degrading and destroying on the national capacity level. Probably triggering their ouster.
Earlier posts pointed out the need for more healthy functional people as globalism polarizes. Again, good, as in a move back up the slippery slope. But pragmatic, not altruistic. Clown world had reached the point where the lies were unsustainably denying material reality itself. That’s a path to extinction. Returning to physical production is a reality facing act, more truthful, and therefore more moral. But there’s a lot more to morality then acknowledging physical things exist.
Take Christianity. The Script appears to be actively supporting it. While appointing a satano-wiccan pastrix as “faith advisor”. Yet both seem sincere. Because from a pragmatic perspective there’s no hypocrisy. Luciferian materialists have no interest in Christianity personally but can perceive it a) makes for better, more productive, lower management communities, and b) can be used against clownism. So push it as a mass ethos. But pay no attention to the actual quality of the doctrine.
Obviously the long term techno-utopian agenda isn’t good either. But it is less directly antagonistic. And it’s moving in the right direction. Pushing upslope towards aspects of truth. As servants of Truth, we are literally in the avant-garde position. A fuller, more “radical” commitment than the mainstream. Only to reality, not escalating clown nonsense. This is the first time we’ve been here. No guarantees, but I like the idea of playing offence for a change.
Seriously consider how much Clown boilerplate has been wasted on AI dooming. Perhaps they should have payed more attention to what it actually does. Though that level of reality-awareness would make them more fit for purpose.
"My kingdom is not of this world." All you need to know to sort out the current goings-on. I will be grateful for the breathing-room while things correct themselves for a while.
Lets get some young men drafting up some inspiring buildings over the next generations. Minas Tirith level cities fellas.