Jun 19Liked by John Samson

May I say just how much I love the facial expressions in the The Rejected Poet? Sometimes carving up a gamma is like killing an icky bug, but sometimes it's hunting for sport.

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It’s an all-timer. And so accurate.

You have an inside perspective on gamma processes that I can only see from afar. There is no male rejection - no matter how aggressive or cruel - as life-altering as the stiletto from an attractive female.

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Jun 20Liked by John Samson

I can just imagine the milady-riddled doggerel, and the imaginary conversation he had with the fair maiden before handing over (or worse still, reading aloud) the poetic offering.

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“You’ve knifed me to the heart!” she cried, out of the blue, thereby slipping her stiletto into mine. Took me years to realize she was projecting.

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This is the reverse of what Vox wrote about on Sigma Male some time ago: that a kind word or compliment from a woman can not only make a man's day, but stay and warm his heart years or decades after.

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Two sides of the same coin. Female affection is really powerful. It’s a subconscious emotional response that has to be contextualized and managed. On a basically healthy male with low to middling self-esteem, the impact lasts for ages because it’s so rare and awesome. For the Gamma, rejection has the same force, just the other way. With the added booster of torpedoing the whole fake self image. Hatred has to follow. “Mortal enemy” is the only cope that explains the sting away without facing reality.

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Fictional (because my IRL experience is so limited) but Lady Galadriel’s interaction with Gimli springs to mind as an (ideal) example of positive female power. Wouldn’t call the dwarf’s self-esteem as either low or middling!

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Think it through. Consider the source. Vox was talking about the average woman paying a rare compliment. The granddaughter of Finwe & High Queen of the Noldor is a bit different. That stays with anyone.

The error is treating an inductive pattern in the complexity of material social interaction as a simple rule. That’s a recipe for real life failure. Look instead for how the pattern manifests contextually. Read, then react. I

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Jun 22Liked by John Samson

"The error is treating an inductive pattern in the complexity of material social interaction as a simple rule. That’s a recipe for real life failure."

Nailed. Quite right. On reflection, an error I frequently make (paying insufficient attention to the context), with rarely any negative consequences, so I don't recognize the error.

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Jun 19Liked by John Samson

Where can I find a definition of "fractitype"?

The search engines think you coined it in this post.

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I did. The the Latin fracti (broken) replacing arche in archetype. So broken or twisted archetype.

Forgot to properly introduce it.

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Jun 19Liked by John Samson

I enjoy figuring it out on my own. ;)

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Jun 19Liked by John Samson

Hit it out of the park.

Understanding who media is for helps a lot of people to process.

The internet has ways to make this "worse" for the lie bubbles, which may be why the media needs to be more focused.

E.g. a gamma may seal club everyone in his local chess club, but once he plays online he gets destroyed. The high status take it as a challenge it is. Low status retreat.

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