“Financialization turns wealth from Material to Abstract - limitless power with no tether to physical reality.”

Unearthing this abstract principle underlying House of Lies reveals how it is inextricably (?) linked to other HoL phenomena. Cutting the tethers to reality seems to be a common denominator linking the various cartels. This is how immoral would-be rulers gain power over a populace.

Identifying the principle also reveals the antidote or path of resistance: “lay hold of what is real” (to quote Zen master Hakuin). And an ancient prayer from iirc the Baghavad Gita begins “lead me from the unreal to the real…”

This is a very old game indeed.

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100%. My Christian frame sees it as alignment either with or against the essential order - Logos - in Creation. On the deepest ontological level, the Ultimate choice is reality.

The Band motto “what can we know and how can we know it” isn’t about pushing boundaries. It’s acknowledging limits. We don’t create reality. Remember that and the entire House of Lies disappears like the click of a remote.

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One generation younger and economics and work as a skilled man was pure survival. A few good network connections , top tier skill at my craft, and a repentant boomer saved my career. Struggled until my mid 30s.

It sucked. It taught a lot of lessons.

Live frugal. Kid focused life. Build community.

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The decline curve is real. It’s why I avoid even implying that the Gen X experience is in any way [as bad]. Bandlings are Zs. My entire legacy strategy is built around leveraging my opportunities to compensate for future prospects. Although those may be brightening on an immediate, material level. We just saw the sudden change from that sweet spot of [old enough to get it but too young to do anything].

Boomercorns exist. They make the rest of them that much more reprehensible by showing it didn’t have to be like that. The point for you is, you’re there now. Don’t waste energy looking back. With what we’re learning about actual wellness, you have a ton of vital years ahead. Use them. Especially when the wind has shifted.

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